Searching for Winta and Youth Forum

Searching for Winta and Youth Forum

This showing of Searching for Winta is the second stage in the creative development of the vibrant new work devised by the Phoenix Youth Theatre.

Some of us are believers, some are non-believers. One thing’s for sure there have been sightings. Everyone’s searching for something.
Winta is everything you are looking for.

Followed by:

Why do we do it for? – A forum about socially engaged youth theatre.
This dynamic and democratic forum explores what we might mean by ‘socially engaged’ art and what the purpose and value of our practice is in an increasingly divided society and and rapidly expanding digital world. A panel of emerging artists will speak about their practice and respond to questions, then it’s open to the audience to engage, challenge and generate discussion.

Date: Friday 14 August
Time: 6pm for Searching for Winta
7pm for Why do we do it for? discussion panel.
Venue: VU Footscray Nicholson campus (cnr Nicholson and Buckley Streets Footscray). Building N (Beanland Building) Room N221 level 2
Free Entry


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