HARK! HARK! Lend me thine ears!!!
A King and Queen of old unknowingly curse their son with unimaginable, uncontrollable power. A sorcerer transfers the child’s magic into five items, but he is changed forever. And now – the treasures of power, lost long ago to time and legend, are being recovered.
Edge Ensembles return with a brand-new, original theatre show from this year’s theme, Influence. Come across the drawbridge for a royal epic told in three books. Set against the backdrop of faraway lands, royal courts and the fairytales of our childhoods.
Adventures and noble-folk alike, will ye take up the call to adventure? The questions of this age are being asked of us all – How did we get here? What made us who we are? And what is the legacy we are creating?
Hilarious, ridiculous and packing heart and truth in every punch – the young artists of the West are here for the throne, like it or not.
Away to the ticket-monger with ye!
Presented in two locations across the West – St Albans and Footscray – our two shows represent that final performance outcome of our core community theatre program Edge Ensembles.
Price: Pay as you feel from $0. Show the level of support you can make towards the show, even just by showing up for our young people from Naarm’s West.

All That Glitters – Footscray
7:00-8:00pm, Saturday 7 September
Bluestone Church Arts Space
8A Hyde Street, Footscray VIC 3011
Prices start from $0. With free post-show catering after 8:00pm

All That Glitters – St Albans
7:00-8.00pm, Saturday 14 September
Bowery Theatre
33 Princess Street, St Albans VIC 3021
Prices start from $0. With free post-show catering after 8:00pm
Each year, Western Edge works with young people and artists (aged 13-30) in Wyndham, Brimbank and Maribyrnong to create an original Australian work to be performed in venues across the West. The performance outcome is a chance for community members and wider audiences to witness the ideas, concerns and visions of the next generation of artists coming out of Melbourne’s West.
Click here for more information about Edge Ensembles or to join as a participant in the program.
Content warning: This show is PG but may contain mild coarse language, loud sounds, mature themes, strobe lighting and smoke.
For updates, subscribe to our eNews or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
All venues are wheelchair accessible.
No one turned away for lack of funds. Select the level of support you can make towards the show:
- Presence – $0
- Thank you – $5
- Solidarity – $10
- Bonus – $20
Companion cards accepted.
For more information, please contact us at info@westernedge.org.au or 03 8658 4052.
This project is supported by Brimbank City Council, the Bowery Theatre, Creative Brimbank, Hugh D.T. Williamson Foundation, Maribyrnong City Council, Newsboys Foundation, Wyndham City Council, Creative Victoria and Creative Australia.